Kodak 7382

Eastman Color Print Film

Gauge: 16mm
Color/B&W: Color
Type: Positive
Usage: Print
Balance: Unknown
Process: ECP-1
Edge coding: Unknown
Introduced: 1953
Discontinued: 1962
Antecedent: None/Unknown

Usage Notes


Technical Notes

"EASTMAN Color Print film, 5382. Replaced 5381. Better definition. 7382 replaced by 7383 in 1961. 5382 replaced by 5385 in 1966." (Kodak Chronology of Motion Picture Films)

Kodak Chronology of Motion Picture Films years seem to be off.  7382 was improved upon but not replaced by 7383 (a 16mm only stock) in 1959.  Both stocks were then replaced by 7385 in 1962. (Mark Toscano, info from Ryan (1977))

Anecdotal Notes


Archival Properties
